When I think of summer I think of lazy days, sleeping in, and fun in the sun. Well if you count waking up at 6:30 sleeping in, then we can check all three off of the list! Our summer has been a blast so far but I think it has a lot to do with the fact that the boys can to a lot more this summer than the last! We go on walks, and we go swimming almost every day. They love to eat watermelon and ice cream cones and have found a deep love for sno-cones and suckers. (I promise I feed them healthy foods too...) We are just loving every minute of summer and can't wait for it too cool down just a tad bit so we can spend even more time outside. But we won't complain about the evening swims with the pool all to ourselves. Life is pretty good!
Oh, and the boys are starting to walk and talk. It is just a hoot and half.
Benji hadn't been feeling well, but after a good night's sleep, we sent this picture to dad reassuring him that the cold was no more. |
I caught the boys holding hands during Tarzan. How precious! |
Miles was holding still, so I just had to snag a picture before church! |
Because this is how they normally look. |
Miles and Benji love Sacrament meeting in the foyer. |
Such handsome boys! |
Hey, we should do this every week! |
We love church. |
Uncle Jeff was in Pheonix for work and stopped by for a good visit. |
We love Uncle Jeff, he is pretty great. Pun intended. |
Their first summer watermelon. |
They can't get enough. |
Benjamin |
Miles |
Benji and Milo |
We LOVE watermelon! |
Miles will eat until there is no more pink. |
Benji attacks his like a barbarian! |
Bath time is a must after watermelon... |
On rainy days we eat Watermelon in the sink. But cleanup was so easy this might just happen every time! |
The pool was closed for maintenance, so we drank juice and splashed in our makeshift pool. |
We love driving to see the temple. |
A 6:00 swim makes for a pretty relaxing evening. |
We had the whole pool to ourselves! |
Benji and Milo |
Another slice of watermelon! Miles and Benji |
Miles woke up sick after a few days of Benji feeling better, so we just lounged around and watched a lot of Tarzan... |
Their first ice cream cone! |
Benji and Milo loved them. |
In fact, Miles ate his first one faster than we had anticipated and was angry when we didn't hand him is second one right away. Life is rough for the little Milo-Bean. |
We love ice cream! |
Hey, Benji, where is your brother? |
Peek-A-Boo! Hiding from mom so she won't change our diapers... |
So cute! |
Benji really wanted the camera. |
Their new favorite hang out. |
Miles and Benji |
Where are my boys? |
There is Benji! |
We found Milo! |
I turned around to grab dirty breakfast dishes from the table and came back to this, the little monkey. |