Murphy Memories

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Christmas, round 3

We switched from the Freddy house to the Murphy house on Christmas Eve and were thrilled to get a few days all together with Sav and Ty and Amanda before they had to leave. We hung out and played hard and filled our days with fun. It was a great ending to our vacation in Idaho! 
Sibling gift exchange was a success.
The snack feast never disappoints. 

Cheeks together! 
What cuties!
Not pictured-Rachel Ray cooking magazine. 
Happy socks make the world happy.
Thanks for the cozy shirt, Sav!
Molly was very excited about the TyManda
quilt she made them. Very impressive.

Mugs for Mom and Dad!
You're never too old to feed Santa's reindeer.

Although, I may need to wear safety goggles next year.
Lovely earrings, Ollie!

Merry Christmas!
A very happy Christmas indeed!

A very sleepy Christmas movie.

My child is not getting abducted in this photo, he just
got to go on a casual helicopter ride! 
That's one happy flyer!

Look, Nana and Papa's house!

Miles held Jake's hand the whole time.
Very focused.
We found Grandma and Grandpa's house!
Miles loved his ride!

Thanks for the rides, Dale! 
Cutest little drummers around.
My favorite band.
The boy's favorite activity!
Trev was a trooper and raced with
them for hours!
Great minds think alike!
Blind study taste test, a new
Christmas tradition!
Going to check on the chickens with Nana!

Next activity, silly string battle.

It was epic!

Clean up took longer than the battle itself, but
it was well worth the fun.

Next up, the aquarium!
Definitely not my favorite experience. Can you tell?

Totally fascinated.
"Mom, can we get an Iguana?!"

Handsome baby!
Happy New Year!
Trev had a brilliant idea to ring in 2019 with a
quick run around the house... negative 2 degrees...
That was

'Sing us a song, you're the Piano Men!'
I love these sweet boys.

Green Canyon was a hit.
We love playing in the snow!

These boys would have stayed out
all day if I had let them.
Lovely lovely card games.

Cookies with Nana

Intense conversations with Nana S and Papa S

All smiles!

We love you, Nana and Papa!