Murphy Memories

Tuesday, May 11, 2021


 The Sunday after Benji and Miles turned six, Josh and I made the decision to bump up our move from Milwaukee to Idaho by three months. Both of us had the thought come to us on separate occasions and it felt right when we came together to talk through the pros and cons. The boys were out of school anyways and Josh was still not allowed to be on campus, so the timing of all of it just made sense. I would move in with family and Josh would live with us for the month of May then move back to Milwaukee to finish his schooling in person. 

So we packed up our house in two short weeks and because of Covid and the social distancing rules, didn't get to say goodbye to our favorite parts of Wisconsin; our friends, ward family, parks, and museums. I still get a little teary eyed thinking about it. It was a hard (non) goodbye! But we're excited for the next new adventure and the boys are thrilled to be closer to their grandparents. 

An awesome tower, boys!
Our new normal. Josh and I took the boys to
Baskin Robins but only 5 customers could
go inside at a time and only if they had masks. 
So we waited outside in the rain until the current
customers were done with their order! 

Ollie, helping me pack the 

A quick break from packing to ride 
some bikes! The boys are getting so good!

Some of my favorite afternoons!

Benji wanted to remember all
of his special hats from school
and Primary. 

A break from packing to go see some
awesome murals in Milwaukee.

I was amazed by all of them!

Oliver was happily entertained by 
a sink bath while I packed and cleaned 
the kitchen. 

Sweet Ms. Huber planned a surprise socially distanced
goodbye for the boys. We went to the school thinking 
we were picking up schoolwork and rest mats and 
found Ms. Huber waiting with cookies and 
friends in the parking lot. I got teary eyed. We 
were so blessed to have her as their 
teacher for two years!

Goodbye Shawn, Basilio, Emma,
Izzy, Kingston, and of course, Ms. Huber.
It was a much needed hour of visiting, laughter,
 and distanced play.

It was a weird but memorable 28th 
birthday for me. Kopps for lunch, more
boxes to celebrate. 

Thanks for the special birthday song, 
boys. I'm lucky to have you!

I love these amazing boys of mine!

Josh volunteered to burn some 
documents since we didn't have 
access to a paper shredder. 

The big boys were showing me their
breath. It was so cold! 

And they got soaked! 

But they had fun. :) Thanks, boys!

Brother and Sister Huang brought us some
AMAZING dinner the night before we 
packed. It was seriously better than any takeout 
I've ever had. YUM! 

Beds packed, suitcases packed. We're ready!

Uncle Ryan surprised us and flew
into Milwaukee just to help with the
move. It was super nice of him. He's 
the packing champ, for sure. 

Benji, Miles, and Oliver were such 
awesome helpers!
Goodbye, sweet home. 

Goodbye, Danny and Barb 
who took this picture for us. 
We'll miss you. 

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