Murphy Memories

Wednesday, September 12, 2018


This month has been a good one, just like all of the others. We are trying to squeeze in all of the outside time and playing that we can get before the boys start school and so far, we have done just that. Highlights so far, the Botanical Gardens were a hit and Oliver is 9 months old already!
This is his favorite spot. 

Oliver is finally sitting on his own, he
is a master scooter, he rolls his tongue
when he is upset in any way, he gets
so proud of his clapping and LOVES
being outside. Oliver loves eating real
food and although he isn't saying
any real words, he loves to have
whisper conversations. 
Happy 9 months, sweet boy!

He is such a happy baby!

Those are some handsome boys! 
Dad makes everything fun.
We love the Hart park splash pad!

These two love spending
time with their Daddy.
This kid LOVED his black bean dinner.
This kid doesn't hold still very often or
for very long so I try to soak up snuggles
whenever I can get them!
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Most of their fun was reading
every single sign we saw!
The boys had a blast at the
botanical gardens.

But the Coy pond was a huge hit!

They are my favorite and right now, sticks
are their favorite. 
Pictures don't do it justice.
It was beautiful!

Miles, standing by his favorites.
Benji, standing by his. 
And me, standing by mine. :)
Thanks, Benji, for getting
my good side. ;)
Cutie in a frame
This kid is a ham.

I love them!
And Ollie, the best stroller buddy.
We love the wading pool at Jacobus.
Oliver, just living the dream!

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