Murphy Memories

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Wisconsin Aprils

Apparently April in Wisconsin is still freezing cold. I got my hopes up when we had a few warm days in March, and again when all of the snow melted, and then again when we had a 70 degree day, but no. Spring has yet to officially show up and I'm not sure what Wisconsin's deal is. I NEED it to be warm, I NEED it. (a phrase that Benji uses a lot frequently, but substitute the warm for whatever he is wanting at the moment) Anyways, we are ready for spring, that's all. But we are still having a grand ol' time inside, if anyone was wondering! And I will really try harder to stop with all the complaining.
A Blue-Violet (they were very insistent) bath
for some cutie boys.

Be still my heart. 

The after-math of just one
session of general conference.

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He was super excited to be
driving a big boy car!
They were determined to sit on the
steps while eating their Popsicles,
despite it being 50 degrees outside!

Oliver hid in this corner and
tried to scare me as I came down
the stairs!
We found a new park and stayed there all afternoon. 
Ollie loved his bunny ears!

A painting party with friends.

Miles knows how to eat a cupcake!
Our cart was full to the brim and shopping
took WAY too long (according to Mom and Ollie).
Spoons are overrated. 

Benji and Miles wanted some mom time but I was
getting ready for church. This was their compromise. :)

You have GOT to be kidding me. 

It was a very intense part of 'Finding Dory'.

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